31 agosto 2013

Nuvolablu/Sensounico - Split (7") #1996

I can't say any further about Senso Unico firstly because I have never heard anything else apart these two songs and secondly because their ska-punk is not really my cup of tea. Nonetheless, the record is worth just for the Nuvolablu side: two songs of poppish Washington DC/FUGAZI-punk oriented, even if in my humble opinion they were a representative example of a typical and original sound of the northwestern italian bands during those years.

da Sempre in bilico


a1. NUVOLABLU - Odio senza occhi/Senza parole

b1. SENSOUNICO - Senza coscienza
b2. SENSOUNICO - Calma

Krikk'e Kasteddu


1 commento:

  1. Bellissimo. Era da tempo che non sentivo i Nuvola Blu (Vivere al Luna è, per quanto mi riguarda, uno dei dischi italiani più belli di sempre).
