9 luglio 2013

MGZ - Wounded (12") #1988

MGZ is the crazy project of Mauro Guazzotti, which has a past in noise and industrial music with noise collective F:A.R. as well as under his own name. MGZ is a funny and parodistic act which nonetheless reflects on social issues using a dark and acid humor. On stage the band turns into MGZ & LE SIGNORE, adding a group of actors who perform very funny scenes and mimics related to the song's lyrics. This is indeed a very crazy 12" EP with various different styles nicely woven together. Wounded was released on vinyl by Technological Feeling and Amen – THX 1138 (TF 12, THX 1138-4) in 1988.

via & thanks to The Thing On The Doorstep


a1. Side A
(Love the love/Non ti avvicinare 1/Have you a little tail?/Maniacs/It's my party/Alexis' sad memory/Mi amerai di più)

b1. Side B
(Are you wounded?/Non ti avvicinare 2/Dai...ti prego/Hei girl! (I wanna fun with you)/Ooh babe/Ooh yeah/My life...den den)

Technological Feeling/Amen - THX 1138
Download here


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