11 maggio 2013

Magazine - Shot by both sides (7") #1978

Although Howard Devoto wrote it with former Buzzcock partner Pete Shelley, Shot by both sides was the first single from Magazine, the band Devoto formed after the release of BUZZCOCKS’ Spiral Scratch 7”. Despite the fact that many critics and fans point to Shot by both sides as Magazine’s greatest moment, the song was merely a launching pad. It’s one of the band’s most straightahead arrangements – the tension-ridden nature would remain in place, but it’s a pretty standard driving punk song played by people who happened to be more familiar with their instruments than most of their contemporaries. What would follow from the band – trickier and more imaginative arrangements, crazy keyboard playing from Dave Formula (Bob Dickinson, who plays keys here, was gone after this single’s recording), even sharper lyrics from Devoto – truly set the band apart from all the others. As it is, Shot by both sides is still a remarkable, rush-inducing song. A couple weeks after its release, Top of the Pops invited the band to come down and mime the song. Not pleased with the prospect of not playing live, the band turned down the offer.

via AllMusic

Magazine - Shot by both sides


a1. Shot by both sides

b1. My mind ain't so open

Download here


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