15 ottobre 2012

La 1919 Spontaneo - L'enorme tragedia (tape) #1985

La 1919 (aka La 1919 Spontaneo) are a Milanese avant-progressive band that first started life in September 1980. The brainchild of Luciano Margorani (born 19th July 1961, in Milano) and his friend Piero Chianura, the band have released five albums to date. Their sound is electronic-based, but still consists of traditional rock-band instruments, such as electric and bass guitar (with assistance by clarinets and saxophones on later releases). Mostly though, the band uses keyboard effects and tape looping, combined with a Frippian and Frithian guitar sound, supplied by Margorani (much more evident on their second and third releases), with overlying electronic drums, culminating in a unique sound that flirts with jazz, no-wave, post-punk and electronica, yet is remarkably progressive rock in its basic state.
From 1982 to 1983, La 1919 were part of the "Cooperativa L’Orchestra” of Milan and they eventually released their debut album L’enorme tragedia on cassette only in 1985.

via Last.fm

La 1919 Spontaneo - Questo caldo


a1. Questo caldo
a2. Molto azzardato
a3. Senza tregua
a4. Dornier Cordaianthus

b1. L'enorme tragedia
b2. Il sogno di F.F.
b3. Metzengerstein
b4. 8'35"
b5. La caduta


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