23 maggio 2012

Neon Piss - Neon Piss #2012

After almost a year of waiting the debut will be out later this month.
What should i say? Killer melodic punk from some bay area punks who have played in good bands before and have something to say and know how to rock.
They will be on tour in Europe in may/june. Please check out www.trapdoor-tourz.de for dates soon.

via Cut The Cord That...Records

Thanx to mind disease!

Neon Piss - Siege mentality


a1. Tabula rasa
a2. Look homeward angel
a3. No there here
a4. Peaceful assembly

b1. Sickening wind
b2. Bullet in the back
b3. Siege mentality
b4. Golden state advantage

Deranged/CTCT records
Download here


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