3 aprile 2012

VV.AA. - Quelli che urlano ancora... (reissue) #1999

2nd pressing of this top Italian oi! compilation on Potere records 1999. White vinyl and 500 only. Rare and long out of print. Original pressing was on CAS Records 1985. This version has two extra Cani tracks. Rare tracks from some of the best Italian bands of that era. Great compilation.

via popsike.com


a1. BASTA - Nessun pudore
a2. DIOXINA - Contropotere
a3. ROUGH - No politica
a4. KLAXON - Diserzione
a5. HYDRA - Ombre
a6. CANI - Vivi la tua vita
a7. CANI - Sabotaggio
b1. NABAT - Zombi rock
b2. HOPE AND GLORY - Working class
b3. FUN - Come voi
b4. YOUTH - Ghetto
b5. SS 20 - Non staremo più a sentire
b6. CANI - Quando sarai grande

Potere records
Download here


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