29 luglio 2011

Kieltolaki - Totaalisen tuhon huominen (7'') #2006

Six crashing trax in the best tradition of early '80s Finnish HC - like a tightly wound early RIISTETYT. This has somewhat richer production with thrilling originality in the guitar changes of pace; it boasts loads of power while making for distinctive, original compositions. Totaalisen tuhon huominen has all the punch of thier previous ep, but with an added urgency. Vihasta ammennan voimaa is an especially chilling number that pratically gives off stream. All songs are well under two minutes, and make you ache for an album's worth of this stuff. Strongly recommended!

via Moo Cow records

Kieltolaki - Vihasta ammennan voimaa


a1. Totaalisen tuhon huominen
a2. Tiedostava kusipää
a3. Vihasta ammennan voimaa

b1. Paskalakki
b2. Pedofiilielukka
b3. Sillat on poltettu

Combat Rock Industry
Download here


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