8 giugno 2011

AA.VV. - Skins e punks = T.N.T. (7") #1983

Released in 1983 on C.A.S. records, this was an attempt by the labels founders NABAT, to show unity in the growing unrest between punks and skins. Punks being represented on this record by ARRM and RAPPRESAGLIA and the skins by Nabat and DIOXINA. Arrm's first song is a great punk anthem, instead the second is a “neo reggae” song. The Rappresaglia songs destroy (from their 8 song, 1982 demo) and is also their strongest material, if you like blazing, pissed off hardcore. The Nabat songs burn with anger and frustration and are probably the fastest songs they ever released. The Dioxina songs are powerful and wild Oi! punk anthems.

via Area Pirata


a1. DIOXINA - Siamo n'OI
a2. DIOXINA - A Franz
a3. ARRM - Tu

b1. ARRM - Combatti per la tua pace
b2. NABAT - Skin e punk
b3. NABAT - Generazione '82
b4. RAPPRESAGLIA - Attack!!
b5. RAPPRESAGLIA - Disperazione

C.A.S. records
Download here


1 commento:

  1. Bel disco che ha segnato una grossa parte della mia gioventu'
