3 maggio 2011

Jagannah - Thedious (demo) #2007

Jagannah is a project that take his always un-ended shape in april 2006 from the remaining members of MYCLIT[*], crossover band with a discreet live activity in Modena local area and tracks on the SUB compilations. Peter Pitone (drums) and Scott Mary (guitar and voice) abandon the played roads up to new complex timings and melodies, decomposing the structure of tracks and opening their jams to a wider infuences' diameter.
The search for a low frequencies' pusher ended with the arrival of Friederich Katzenjammer, who found in the twisted distorted rabid sludgy and slow sounds of the other two's the perfect territory where to vent his four strings. The influences range gets wider, atmospheres are dilated in mazes of complicated fury. Just a few names can remain in the brain of a Jagannah listener: MELVINS, psichedelia, stoner-doom, noise, YOB.
It took months and months to find a name for the band and the gender they play is still uncertain. Jagannah it's invented without any meaning pretensions, Jagannah it's played without pretensions of fidelity to a style, Jagannah it's screamed without sense pretensions.
In february 2007 enough music was written and everything was recorded for the 40 minutes (excessive) long demo. Everything was recorded in their small rehearsal room with cheap machineries. Self-produced, self-played, self-composed in Modena, Italy.

via CynicLab

Jagannah - Pyl


01. Evil whale
02. Pripyal
03. Earth
04. Soundsense
05. Pyl
06. Vaghina
07. Brisby the rabid
08. Pianura padana

Myspace/Official website
Download here


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