20 maggio 2011

Bahnhof - February 82 (tape) #1982

If it had come out in GB or USA, though in 1982, today it would be a cult object. Instead here in Italy the group went under a quick marginalization within the rising hardcore scene, both for the lyrics (all in english) and the sound (CLASH), and, most of all, because they herriedly hit off with the new-old or the old-new slyboots of italian music journalism.
Powerful song, tight and anthemic (Fashion and Presage are truly two minor hits). A group that has to be revalued.

via Sonic Reducer

Bahnhof - Manager


a1. Fashion
a2. February 82

b1. Manager
b2. Presage

Electric Eye records
Download here


4 commenti:

  1. grandi! grande post, da tempo li cercavo. Grazie

  2. Hi! Like the anonymous above, da tempo li cercavo. Same for the Incesti LP from some weeks ago, grazie per entrambi! (& scusa il mio italiano cattivo :D) Good posts lately. This blog deserves more comments!
    Fernando :)

  3. @fernando
    your comments and your italian are always welcome here!


  4. da qualche parte ho un brano registrato dal vivo se lo ritrovo lo carico da qualche parte ....
