15 aprile 2011

Lago Morto - Obitorio Veneto #2010

Lago Morto is a band conceived by italian artist Nico Vascellari as contribution to the exhibition Rock Scissors Paper curated by Diedrich Diedrichsen at Kunsthaus Graz.
Lago Morto is, in the curator’s words, ‘a social punk sculpture’, a way ‘to turn the model of the cast band upside down. Lago Morto is about things that casting calls usually exclude - targeted aggression, unpredictable social effects and local politics’. The results is a band that toured for fifteen days in Vittorio Veneto in non musical venues such as bar, osteria, pizzeria, laundrete, video store etc. The LP contains all fourteen songs the band has created. The DVD contains a video from each of the sixteen locations of the tour plus an extra video playing the sixteen videos simultaneously.

via Von Archives

Lago Morto - Tutto intorno a te


a1. Borotalco
a2. Anche i nani hanno continuato da grandi
a3. Lago Morto
a4. Tutto intorno a te
a5. Balenare nel buio
a6. Lacrime di Giuda baci di coccodrillo
a7. Il mattino. L'oro. L'orifizio
a8. Sepolto dalle risa

b1. Prega per noi
b2. Coglioni senza cazzo
b3. Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca
b4. Monte Altare
b5. Tintinnanti e breccole
b6. La fine non avrà un titolo

Von Archives
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